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About comments on this site

This site records the IP address used when commenting as a response to spam and vandalism. This is a standard supported feature for blogs and we do not use this IP address for anything other than dealing with spam and vandalism. Please note that all comments will be posted after the administrator has confirmed and approved their contents in advance. In addition, comments that include the following items may not be approved and may be deleted at the administrator’s discretion.

  • Those that slander or slander a specific natural person or legal entity.
  • Content containing extremely obscene content.
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  • Others that are offensive to public order and morals, or that are deemed not to be approved by the administrator.

About links to this site

This site is completely link-free. There is no problem with linking to any page as long as it is a legitimately published page, such as the top page or articles. However, the use of inline frames and direct links to images are prohibited.


We strive to provide the correct information at the time of article publication. However, please be aware that this site will not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur due to the information provided, link destinations, etc.

Linked products are not sold by this site, but sold by each linked store. For purchase methods and other inquiries, please contact each store. Please note that this site will not be held responsible for any troubles related to product purchases.